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Cinnamon Rolls Parchment Paper

Why Parchment Paper?

Widely used by professional bakers and chefs, parchment paper’s versatility makes it an essential item in professional and personal kitchens. Cooking in parchment greatly reduces the need for oils and fats, making it ideal for health-conscious cooks and bakers. Unlike other baking papers Palisades’ Parchment paper is oven safe up to 425°F and reusable. No doubt, you’ve used parchment for non-stick, no mess, delicious baking but that’s only the beginning.


Palisades, Parchment paper can be used for creating parchment paper packets or as the French say, en papillote. Simply tightly wrap fish, poultry, meats, fruits and vegetables in parchment paper. Place the packets in a pre-heated oven and let the food cook in its own natural juices, creating a fast and delicious meal. For elegant dramatic presentation, serve each of your guests their own packet, allowing them to open it, releasing a burst of mouth-watering aromas.


Once only available to professional chefs and bakers, Palisades GVP Parchment, is now available online and at your local supermarket or Gourmet baking store.

  • Reusable

  • Easy clean up

  • Oven safe up to 425°F

  • Non Stick

  • Microwave safe

  • Insoluble

  • Eliminates need to synthetic sprays or high fat oils

  • 100% biodegradable

  • Kosher Certified for  Passover and year round

  • FSC ® C103525

  • Healthy alternative to foil

​ is the only company dedicated solely to providing the home kitchen with parchment paper. Since 1996, Palisades Parchment has become a household name for all kitchen uses. Our product has been created and marketed for household use.


Distributor & Contact Info.

Currently distributed in the USA and other countries. To find a Distributor near you please email us


Sample Requests

To try our product, please provide us with your name, address, and phone number. We will send you one sample of either size for $6.00 including shipping!




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