Join Our Private Label Program
You're probably already using Palisades Parchment paper and don't realize it. The quality of our parchment paper is so good that many well-known brands build their reputation, business and products around it.
So, you may have actually purchased Palisades Parchment paper under the name of a well-known kitchen or chef's name and not known it.
As a matter of fact, our product is so "top of the line," that many restaurants and bakeries request it by name. Our customer service is top of the line as well, and that's why so many companies prefer to work with us and our private label program.
Our private label program allows other companies to provide their customers with the best parchment paper in the market, under their brand, without the risk and investment of making their own papers. We can do the same for you.
What is a "private label program"?
Private label, sometimes called "white label," is a term that describes the ability to brand, personalize and customize a third-party product or service under your company's name. The product itself is owned, manufactured or produced by another company, but you brand and tailor it as your own by using your own logos, color schemes, language and designs to make the product look like you are producing it.
We offer all of our products, from our parchment papers to bulk foils, for private label products. Contact us directly for more information and pricing.
What are the advantages of a private label program?
When you use our parchment paper and your logo, name and brand you benefit in several ways:
You're able to provide a very high quality product to your inventory without the cost, investment and expense of manufacturing it yourself.
Private label programs are an excellent way to expand a small business, or start a small business inexpensively. This program gives new businesses, or those who want to expand, access to a tried and tested system while also limiting their exposure to the risks normally associated with starting a business.
Your risk is very low. You don't have inventory or stock to worry about. You only have to purchase the goods once an order has been placed for them.
A private label program is easy to set-up. We've done all the hard work for you. You benefit from our expertise, advice and experience in setting up your label.
When you add a high quality product such as Palisades Parchment to your product line, the quality of the product creates what marketers call a "halo" effect. Consumers attribute the quality of one great product to all the products you carry.
By using a private label program you're able to increase or decrease the items you offer quickly, without worrying about increasing or decreasing manufacturing, shipping and production schedules. You simply order more, or less of the product.